What is BLING?

Born in 2009, on Chicago's westside Humboldt Park neighborhood, NewLifeBLING is a youth-fueled jewlery business that seeks to empower, encourage, and educate young men and women through the vehicle of entrepreneurship.

However, BLING is more that beads and business for our youth. BLING serves as a safe place, creative outlet, and fun 

BLING: 1. (n.) a group of youth getting together to make jewelry 2. (n.) a safe place 3. (n.) a fun place to make friends 4. (n.) place for honesty and encouragement 5. (n.) an opportunity to learn about business and entreprenership 6. (n.) what we make 

Our Story

One of the founding members, A*.
In the summer of 2009, four youth and three adults started BLING with some string and donated beads. BLING was created as a creative answer to a lingering question: how can I generate an honest income? BLING was a prayerful answer to a

Our 2009-2010 Middle Schoolers!
After that first year, middle school girls jump-started the engine of BLING by creating beautiful individual pieces. Their artistry and craftsmanship propelled them to a new level. They went to craft fairs, conferences, and home parties! BLING experienced much growth during this time!

Evelyn giving us a lesson about how
to host a successful home party!
Momma's joined the summer of 2010 when they made Fiesta Bracelets as a fundraiser to support summer programs in our neighborhood. Meeting once a week during the school year, BLING classes are offered free to neighbors. The goal for the women is for them to start and maintain their own personal businesses individually from BLING. Evelyn hosted her first BLING party and Debra is launching her own Etsy site!

R*, untangling wire for Urban Hope
In 2011, teens re-entered the picture as yet another catalyst for BLING growth. In the summer of 2012, Heather, a staff member in Little Village found that BLING provided a creative outlet and a place for meaningful discussions to take place for her youth in the neighborhood of Little Village. For the next two years, teens met weekly in both neighborhoods.

2013 and 2014 were years in which the relationships between the facilitators and BLING participants flourished. Weekly lessons about character development, God, business, and a range of issues took place. In 2014, the first BLING Summit took place gathering the participants, local business people, volunteers, and artists in one room to take a look at what BLING was and is and where it was going.

Now, BLING participants meet weekly exploring different designs and art, as well as discussing relevent issues in their own lives and relationships. BLING has become a place where friendships are forged, lessons are learned, and lives are shared.