Glass on North Ave. & Springfield |
Yesterday night, Esme said: "Ms. Nikki, I was catching the bus on North and Springfield in the morning and there was a ton of glass from the bus stop. I was going to call you or collect it, but we didn't have our phone and I couldn't collect it, because I was going to school."
Little did Esme know, one of the New Life Staff, Marena had called us when she was taking her daughter to school. My roomie who was going to go on a run, but she ended up collecting a ton of it (I had a meeting and was running out the door). The glass was extremely heavy, but Lisa ran into a man whose family we were working with--he helped her carry it! How about three cheers for COMMUNITY EFFORT!
God has taught us so much about community here in the neighborhood! He has shown me the reality: many people (often unlikely characters) play a role in His Story. The amazing GOD STORY of renewal and redemption. Sometimes, a "God thing" seems impossible. You don't know how you're going to manage to do it, but you go to that place He has shown you out of pure obedience and faith that He will work it out.
The story of collecting this glass may seem a little small compared to how God works out big plans, but not really. God used five different people that day--and all of them contributed in some way to helping God work out His will through the apprentice program. Many of the characters He used may not have known that they were contributing to the lives of 3 neighborhood teens who are learning about the love of Jesus and seeking to know truth in this crazy world.